Disclaimer: Weather data
on this page is not intended for legal use. Please contact your local National Weather Service at the link above to gather official weather observations. |
Temperature |
60.0°F | |||||||||||||
Humidity |
99% |
Dewpoint |
59.7°F |
Wind |
ENE at 4.0 mph |
Barometer |
1019.0 mb & Rising Slowly |
Today's Rain |
0.00 in |
Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr |
Storm Total |
0.53 in |
Monthly Rain |
2.33 in |
Yearly Rain |
58.79 in |
Wind Chill |
High Temperature Low Temperature |
60.1°F at 6:10p 53.3°F at 7:06a |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
99% at 5:08p 96% at 4:30a |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint |
60.0°F at 5:32p 53.0°F at 12:00a |
High Wind Speed |
14.0 mph at 6:34p |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
1022.9 mb at 8:56a 1017.6 mb at 4:24p |
High Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr at ---- |
Low Wind Chill |
53.0°F at 12:39a |